Wednesday, June 05, 2013

East Regional Library out to bid

Construction of the 15,200 sq ft East Regional Library is currently out for bid.  The official advertisement can be found in The Advertiser (6/5/2013 p 10C) and online at\6052013_20274519.HTM  or , select Government, Finance & Management, then "Requests for Proposals/Notice to Bidders".

The East Regional Library will be at the Fabacher Field Complex, 215 La Neuville Rd. and will serve the Broussard, Youngsville, and Southeastern parts of Lafayette Parish.  Once started later this year, construction is expected to take 12 months. Furniture, equipment, and library collection will move in once the construction is complete.

The architect is Charles Beazley, Architects Beazley Moliere

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